Sunday, April 13, 2008


Did anyone like the vids?


Getness said...

the nobodys watching one is SOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!! Im gonna watch the others now. o and I GOT THE FIRST POST!!!

Getness said...

creepy and FUNNY!!! i like it.

Cheesymoose said...

Ya I love the nobody's watching ones they're great.

Cheesymoose said...

Wow somebody voted water didn't see that one coming.

Getness said...

i thought you were going crazy when u started singing that one song. They hurted my ears in the begining but u kinda get used to it as they get into the song. AND ARE THOSE POTATOES!!!!! anyway i like it in a creepy kinda way......

Getness said...

ha ha i didnt think u would. so ha ha

Getness said...

do u have any rs time?

Cheesymoose said...

Not at the moment but I'll see.
I say they're potatoes but the creator says they're "spong monkeys" (whatever the heck that is) Haha I love that the diet mountain dew was the red one.

Getness said...

ya me too

Getness said...

i got full combat robes. they're neat-o. :)

Cheesymoose said...

no fair its so hard to win that game.

Cheesymoose said...

Well I'm headin out I'll be back later.

Getness said...

i spent like 100k on them then charged them using my tokens. and its not that hard to win.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, show me these videos!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait, I see them.

Anonymous said...

Those were all funny!

Cheesymoose said...

Yay! I thought you guys would like them. Have any of you seen the legendary frog vids? They're great.

Getness said...

no i havnt. but they sound funny.

Cheesymoose said...

I posted the link watch the ones on the title and im getting on rs join if u want

Getness said...

Just to let you guys know. The lengendary frogs thing if you go on not through the link it tells you that it could be potentially harmful to your comp. so i dont mean to sound negative but u might not want to go to that site if you dont want to mess up your computors. Sorry i was the one who said it. :(

Cheesymoose said...

Hmmm thats wierd. I've gone on that website like a billion times and nothing has ever gone wrong.

Anonymous said...

It gave me that warning also.

Getness said...

its a new thing on google but if you go directly to the site it doesnt show the warning.

Getness said...

let me know if you can come on rs today.

Cheesymoose said...

I might on thursday. I would tomorrow but I have geometry homework so I'll probably be doing that. (Ugh, I hate the cities)

Getness said...

ok thats cool let me know though b4 you go on.

General405 said...

buy acorn! brand doughnuts!!! zero trans fat!!!

Getness said...

cheesy if your out there right now come on rs if u can plz.

Cheesymoose said...

It seems that soda by far wins on my poll. =D

Cheesymoose said...

I would have, but I didn't have any play time, and Shellie was on.

Cheesymoose said...

I found one of the vids on youtube that you said didn't work before. Watch it and tell me what you think. =D

Cheesymoose said...

Did u people like it?

Anonymous said...

Very goooooooooooooooood.

Getness said...

its creepy and goood