Monday, April 21, 2008

Guess what?!?!

Guess what? I just wasted a couple of seconds of your life by having you read this. HAHA!!


Cheesymoose said...

I feel so diabolical... I believe this calls for a BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Getness said...

can i be your minion?

General405 said...

3.2791 seconds if you want to be exact. minions are generally shorter than their masters ryan.

Cheesymoose said...

Hey maybe it will give me a growth spurt yes you can be my minion.

Getness said...

not really alot of times the masters have a napolean complex (im not insinuating anything O_o) and the minions are bigger like goons and im not calling myself a goon im just saying your wrong!!!!

Cheesymoose said...

Oh my goodness I was looking inbetween the keys on my keyboard and there is a TON OF GUNK DOWN THERE!! It's disgusting... XP

General405 said...

if you're a minion, there's usually a lot of you, and you are smaller. if you're bigger than your master there aren't a lot of you so you're not minions.

Cheesymoose said...

Hmm SOMEBODY'S taking this a little too seriously...

Getness said...


General405 said...

go to 4dragonboy's blog and vote for my story.

Anonymous said...

Whenever someone takes something too seriously it leads to some stupid thing like the space stuff or the genderless panda.

Cheesymoose said...


Cheesymoose said...


Anonymous said...

Get the club ready....

Getness said...

ok im gonna be on rs tonight at 7pm join me if you can.

Cheesymoose said...

Ok I'll try to earn some time. Hey guess what? My mom limited my time even MORE today. Now not only do I have to read to play rs but I also have to read to play any game what-so-ever on the comp. I can still blog, but at this rate I bet she'll take that away too. She could've at least made it a book that's interesting but instead I have to readeth about the pilgrims in an old english writing style that about 50% of the time I cannot comprehend. >=( Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and she's great but this still greatly disturbs me since for the most part I only play rs to talk to my friends and Shellie can talk on the phone for as many hours as she wants (which she used to) and my mom never did anything about that. Of course I can always talk on the phone, but as most of you probably know I'm only good at computer conversations and horrible at talking ones. Haha this is a long post if you read it sorry you had to read my rambling. XD

Getness said...

awww that stinks (man im really used to rs rules) well that will probably happen to me to when i get a wii

General405 said...

i have been in that situation for a long time already. i would recommend that you request for a more interesting part of history, such as when the aztecs ran around cutting peoples' hearts out.

(my example may not necessarily appeal to you, you should probably choose something more to your liking)

Cheesymoose said...

Haha, I would prefer that since I took a class that revolved around that and already have a sufficient knowledge of it. It's not exactly a history book, it has sections on different subjects and the one I'm currently in happens to be about pilgrims.

General405 said...

i just looked at your picture full size and it doesn't look like a moose. is that what a cheesymoose looks like?

Cheesymoose said...

No, it's not a moose or a cheesymoose. I just picked it cuz it was awesome.

General405 said...

would it be possible for you to pick something that wasn't officially awesome?

Getness said...

no i dont think so

General405 said...

you're probably right there...
but is that because anything cheesymoose does or picks becomes awesome, or is it because she only does awesome things?

Cheesymoose said...

Both ^_^

Cheesymoose said...

There's a new poll =D

General405 said...

i will assume you voted for yourself.
i'm not sure what to vote for, but according to comments 24 & 25, it shouldn't be too hard for me to decide. because one of the is MINE they must be right.

General405 said...

i suppose the fact that your profile has been viewed over twice as much as anyone else's here is a testament to your awesomeness.

you should have a poll about the little thing at the top that says 'Yeah I'm awesome and this is my blog. ENJOY IT FILTHY PIG SMELLY!!!', and see if anybody actually noticed it.

Anonymous said...

I find that you're almost as awesome as I am, therefor I voted for the most awesome one.

Anonymous said...

Peter I have more profile views than her.

General405 said...

a few days ago you didn't.

Anonymous said...

Yes, well my awesomeness grows rapidly.

Cheesymoose said...

I have more views at the moment haha I'm awesome-er.

Anonymous said...

Not anymore!

Cheesymoose said...

Check again! I'm awesome-er and that's that end of conversation.

Anonymous said...

I shall re open this conversation, I am awesome-er!

Cheesymoose said...

I am awesome-er and I close the conversation and lock it and destroy the key so it can never be opened again.

General405 said...

get a picture of a bigger burger.

Getness said...

ha ha funny!!

Getness said...

i would like it if bens burger was bigger (dont be nasty ben)

Anonymous said...

It's not a burger, it's a fish sandwich!

Getness said...

burger, fish sandwich whatever!!! u know what i meant!!

Getness said...

I noticed that you did what peter suggested about the filthy pig smelly thing. Did you do that last night or has it been there a while?

Cheesymoose said...

Haha I've had that for at least a week and Peter didn't sugest it he said that after I put it up.

General405 said...

ben has 496 views and you only have 383. what are you going to do?

Anonymous said...

The only thing she can do, pray to the god of awesomeness, oh wait, that's me!

Getness said...

ha ha your funny. I know where thats from too. It is from ZIM!!! I forget which ep but its one of them.

Anonymous said...

Can I come over to your house sometimes and watch Zim, I haven't seen it foooorever.

General405 said...

our stories tied on 4dragonboy's blog. it is time for a pie showdown. for more information consult my employer, the god of awesomeness.

Cheesymoose said...

I should have a Zim party that'd be neat-o =D

Cheesymoose said...

There was no pie showdown in the deal that was Ben's idea and we both know that I totally won ^_^ And Ben you cannot be the god of awesomeness for two reasons: (1) you're mortal (2) I own awesomeness. See the copyright sign?

Getness said...

i want a zim party that would be awesomeness. :)

Getness said...

in the words of gir. "I wanna be a mongoose"

Cheesymoose said...

I love all of Gir's lines ^_^
"I love the little tacos, I love them good."

Getness said...

Gir is awesome i do wish i could remember more of his lines.

Getness said...

yea sure ben that would be neat-o. :]

General405 said...

you didn't win. look at the poll.

Anonymous said...

Who says I'm mortal? And I'm so awesome that your copyrights mean NOTHING!!!!!!

Getness said...

that or it just means you live in sweden. :)