Friday, January 2, 2009

Hehe, forgot to post this.....


*hugs for everyone*

I made it through the year and I didn't go nuts or have a crisis or anything, so '08 was purdy nice. How is everyone? You must be sad without me blogging... who wouldn't be?

...Please don't answer that.

I'm pretty good, Shellie's kinda been Miss Unpredictable Mood, and the rest of the family is doin' alright. I'm getting a lil' bit lonely though, I need for VH to start. Is anyone taking any new classes? Oh crud, I just realised nobody is gonna look at my blog to answer my questions. Understandable. Well, hugs and more hugs for all y'all, (...maybe not Isaac) I'll cya soon!



Globetrotter said...

... I'm hurt Marie.

Getness said...

I looked at your blog to see it! Mine has been good so far doesn't feel much different though. I partied wit ben and jev. That was fun. And when isn't Shellie Miss unpredictable mood?

General405 said...

I have obviously seen this. As far as I know, the only new class I have is the morning guitar. And I might end up not taking it.

WolfAngel said...

I'm sorry...what?!? o_O

WolfAngel said...

I know sometimes...but...always? Really? ={

Globetrotter said...

hm... I usually find Shellie's moods fairly predictable actually. lol

WolfAngel said...

Hm...I'm not completely sure of how to take that. Um, maybe just me really well? Haha.

Oh, and, Ryan, who did you hear these "stories" from? It's not like I'd be....mad...or anything. I'm just curious. =\

Globetrotter said...

haha yeah, that was part of what I meant. XD

@_@ Andrew said...

What is the other part?

WolfAngel said...

Yeah, good point, Andrew. What was the other part?

General405 said...

That's confidential information. Not that I know or anything.

@_@ Andrew said...

Haha... oops maybe I should have thought before I typed... haha I think I just had a convo on this.

Unknown said...

It's not really that hard to guess.

General405 said...

Oops, wrong account. I meant it's not that hard to guess what the other part is, just in case that was unclear.

Globetrotter said...

haha yeah, Peter's right in both statements. lol and... a "convo" Andrew? It's probably just me coming home tired from practice, but... huh? =3

@_@ Andrew said...

Haha. It's conversation. Sooo I must be the dence on what is the other part again?