Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mongooses or mongeese?



Getness said...

OMG REALLY?!!??! I DIDN'T KNOW THAT =O!!!!!! I say mongeese

Getness said...

Mongooses sounds funny.

Acorn said...

I <3 mongooses. =]

Cheesymoose said...

I like mongeese better too, but then people think I'm saying monkeys >_<

Getness said...


Acorn said...

Yeah mongeese ftw. I just said mongooses to annoy Ryan. =P

Getness said...

Why would that annoy me.....?

General405 said...

I like mongeese better. :) How do you decide what random stuff to put in your posts?

Cheesymoose said...

Lots of improv classes and a whole in the head seem to inspire me quite well... I just pick my favorite stuff out of the gibberish that I type down. In this case, the whole pickles thing is actually making fun of his royal dorkness.


WolfAngel said...

OMG, Mongeese ROCK! Haha, and, Dude, who would ever doubt that chickens are purple? I mean, it's so obvious... -_-

Acorn said...

Yes, the fact that they are purple proves they are purple.

Getness said...

And that my non philosophical friends is a deductive argument.

Acorn said...

And that my... Err... Ryan friend... Was... Err... Ryan like...

General405 said...

People are actually commenting on your blog again. Jevon has claimed that he restarted everyone's blogging, but I don't quite get how that works. =P Does anyone here have an idea?

And if that made sense it would probably be inductive Ryan.

Globetrotter said...

Peter has a point there... and just for the record, it is actually "mongooses." =>

General405 said...

I bet you're saying that just to annoy people.

Cheesymoose said...

I'll bet this video game stealing dork is doing EXACTLY what Peter just said. >=(

Globetrotter said...

Whoa! Hold on there. Actually, I did look it up... and you can have Twilight Princess back. *sorry* I've just been really busy lately and kind of forgot about it (temporarily).

Getness said...

That is actually a fallacious argument not inductive or deductive. Although I suppose you could call it inductive if you really wanted to. It's just the same as the guy who got attacked by a tiger while he had a rock in his pocket therefore the rock caused him to be attacked by a tiger. You all should read sophie's world it's a good book. And philosophy is my favorite class. Peter you would probably like it.

General405 said...

You'd actually take the time to look that up Isaac?

Globetrotter said...

Well ya, I just googled it... and it took like 5 seconds. ^_^ Also, Ryan is right. Technically Ben's reasoning was invalid and, therefor, is neither inductive or deductive. Like Peter said, "IF that made sense it would probably be inductive" lol

WolfAngel said...
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WolfAngel said...

AHH!!! It's like Geometry all over again!!! XO

Getness said...

Exactly and btw it was Jevon's reasoning not Ben's.

Cheesymoose said...


General405 said...

Ok, point A is located at (5,-4) and point B is located at (-9,2). What is the length of AB?

Cheesymoose said...

AB=about 15.231546211727816571322822054317.
I'm guessing that was an on the spot problem...

Globetrotter said...

You go Marie! That's quite the "approximation." =P

General405 said...

Yes. And I forgot the equation so I have no idea if you're right or not. I must assume your answer is really a long and complicated code to spell moose or runescape.

Cheesymoose said...

Haha, no, actually, I solved the problem and that's what I got. XD