Sunday, August 24, 2008

Why aren't I blogging? I'll tell you why not!



Globetrotter said...

lol I'm not sure what that has to do with blogging, but if you say so.....

Getness said...

How is Isaac global warming?

General405 said...


Acorn said...

I'm not blogging because nobody else is blogging. That sounds stupid doesn't it?

Globetrotter said...

I understand what you're saying Ben. Shellie, did you really just suggest that Mathew start posting on our blogs?

WolfAngel said...

I...thought it would be interesting. Uh... =D

Acorn said...

It would be... Interesting... But in some ways it feels like letting someone out of their house who hasn't left it in 20 years.

WolfAngel said...

Wow. o_O

Globetrotter said...

rofl ben. *seriously... rolling on the floor* XD

jevon said...

this sucks! i start blogging and everybody stops!

Getness said...

No it's just that Marie's blog has been inactive for almost 2 months. This and maybe peter's and ben's are the only dead blogs.

Acorn said...

My blog is dead for sure. Maybe Peter's.

Getness said...

What happened to your blog Marie? Is it halloween themed?

Cheesymoose said...

Yeah I'm working on it. You checken my inactive blog like THE MOMENT I started fixing it up.

Cheesymoose said...
