Friday, May 2, 2008


For your convenience this blog has been MOOSE-IFIED!!!! Lol I made the pic myself using paint hope you like it. ^_^


General405 said...

first post!
nice moose.

General405 said...

do you have a scanner?

Anonymous said...

The moose-ified blog looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, if anyone hasn't already, check out my new blog (which is almost exactly the same as my old one)

Cheesymoose said...

Thank you thank you yes I have a scanner.

Getness said...

The moose is awesomeness. maybe its an ancestor of minimoose

Cheesymoose said...

Minimoose is a robot so I kinda doubt that but I'm glad you like it.

General405 said...

i did my own picture (the green robot) in photoshop.

General405 said...

i like the picture of a real moose also.

Getness said...

minimoose rules!!!

Getness said...

who is zant and general scales?

General405 said...

my shoulder and arm hurt.

Cheesymoose said...

Zant is from LoZ:TP and General Scales is from Starfox Adventures (THE BEST STARFOX GAME EVER!!!)
Why does your arm/shoulder hurt? Was it the trampoline?

General405 said...

they got hurt on the trampoline but not really by the trampoline. i didn't fall wrong or something like that.

Getness said...

Is starfox adventures for the wii?

Cheesymoose said...

No it's for gamecube but you can play it on the wii so when you get one you should buy it. It's only like 10$ at a used game store.

Getness said...

assault is also good thats the only star fox game i have ever played

Anonymous said...

I know I'm going to seriously get burned for this, but don't like Starfox Adventures.

Getness said...

which one is newer adventures or assault?

Anonymous said...


Cheesymoose said...

Assult is newer. Adventures isn't very much like the other Starfox games, it's more like LoZ only with a few more puzzles and the storyline is more captivating and it has WAY better graphics then any of the other ones(at least with the characters).

Getness said...

sounds neat-o

Anonymous said...

Neat-o mosquito.

Getness said...

neat-o mosquito dorrito.

Anonymous said...

Neat-o mosquito dorrito burrito

Cheesymoose said...

Neat-o mosquito dorrito burrito taquito

Anonymous said...

You win this time...

Cheesymoose said...

Oh and "frito". XD

Cheesymoose said...

Also, cheato.

General405 said...

does your moose picture have a copyright of its own?

General405 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheesymoose said...

The cheesymoose one does.

General405 said...

spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam

i wonder why ben doesn't like that.

Anonymous said...

I don't like it on my blog.

General405 said...

ok. will you help me here?

Acorn said...
